Discount Electronics - Save More by Buying More

 Ever wondered why Black Saturday is looked forward to by so many consumers? Everything is marked down to insanely low prices. But there's an alternative to waiting an entire year for low prices. Discount electronics from China offer the same awesome prices year-round.

Why is it so affordable you may ask? The answer is simple-when things are purchased in bulk, it's more often then not going to cost much less. That's because there's less expenses on transporting and shipping the items. The seller is also guaranteed of a bigger sale in one go.

Why hasn't this amazingly economical process been publicized much? It's because of the preconceived notions many people have of discount electronics from China. Many think they're cheaper because they are of lesser quality- but that cannot be further from the truth.

Fact is, many of the brands we have come to love and trust are made in China. Chinese made doesn't always mean that they're inferior and of lower-quality. Contrary to popular belief, China prides itself in it manufacturing capabilities. Sure, they produce low cost and mass-market products but they are also perfectly capable of producing quality, value-for-money goods.

Don't fall prey to the habit of purchasing only the brands that are in your nearest department store; take the time to browse the internet and other means in order to find the best deal. It will only take so little of your time and effort plus the end results are rewarding-quality appliances and gadgets for much less; and the chances are high that the sweet deal might just come from somewhere in Asia.

Many people flock to the electronics innovations mecca in Vegas to see the latest in gaming and robotics, but the products most adaptable to home use can help you lead a healthier lifestyle. Here is a preview of some health, fitness and wellness products that are unveiling this year.

Sanyo eBike

A bicycle that not only runs on electric power, but also regenerates power as you bike providing a boost to your trips. Can trival up to forty miles on its own power at speeds of up to 20 MPH.

i.wakeup Sunrise Clock

An alarm clock that simulates sunrise to provide a less jarring alert in the morning, making you feel more rested for your day.

3-D Back Massager

The portable massage and heating system simulates the effects of a real human massage and can be used at home or at work.

Aroma Natural Elite Diffuser

The effects of light music and candlelight be synthesized and personalized to help soothe after a long day. It creates relaxing scents and tones for customized relaxation.

Appliance Managers

Sorta like a meter for your electronics, this device will notify you when you approach too much power consumption that you designate It lets you read how much power you are using with all your devices.

T1 Zone Trainer With Hydration Index

Complicated name for a heart rate monitor that features a hydration index to let you know the target amount of fluids to consume on your run.

Inversion Stretch Massage Chair

This massage chair looks like something out of Star Wars, and promises an unmatched massage chair experience. It lets you "Invert yourself to relieve back pain" with a shiatsu massage that elongates the spine with rollers and heat

Phillips Activa

This device motivates people to exercise by providing real-time feedback on their workout. It also adjusts music's tempo and pace to fit your workout regiment.


A technogeek's "I've fallen and I can't get up," this device not only tracks movement and sleep of users, but can also be used as emergency support for unfortunate falls and accidents.

The Art of Cutting Wall Tiles

There are several steps to getting the perfect, professional finish to your wall tiling project - preparing the surface, marking out the layout, using the right adhesive, using tile spacers and regularly checking your horizontal and vertical lines are level as you work. But even if you do all of these things properly you could ruin the end result if the cut tiles are done badly.

Tiling with whole tiles is relatively easy - it is easy for a room to look almost finished quite quickly but it is the accuracy of the finishing where the ceiling and floor join the walls, and around doorways, windows, units and sanitary ware that will reveal how professional your tiling really looks. So if you aspire to be a really competent DIY tiler you need to get your cuts right. Whilst many cut edges may be hidden under sinks or units etc. the majority of them will be on show at the corners of walls and the junctions of walls with the floor and ceiling. Particularly in places like bathrooms many awkward cuts will be needed to finish tiling around sinks, toilets and other sanitary ware.

Selecting the right tools is the important first step, but, of course, the tools you use to cut the tiles will be dependent on which type of tiling you are installing. More and more wall tiles are now porcelain rather than ceramic so the relatively simple method of scoring a ceramic tile and breaking it along the score line cannot be used with porcelain tiles because they are too hard. Natural stone tiles are becoming more affordable and more and more people are choosing them for their bathrooms and kitchens but these again are too hard to score and break. So you are almost sure to need an electric tile cutter but the question is - what type? There are angle grinders and wet cutters and diamond cutters so for the non-professional the decision on which type of cutter to buy or hire is vital if you don't want to spend excessive amounts of time cutting and if you don't want to ruin too many of your brand new tiles.

It may be a case of trial and error depending on the specific type of wall tiles you have so it is often best to hire a cutter rather than buying one so that you can try it out. If you can, try and get some advice from a professional tiler, tile shop or hire shop on the most suitable cutter for your tiles.

Now start by measuring the space for each individual tile section just above the floor or below the ceiling and in the corners of the room. These are the simplest sections to start with but don't assume the space is the same between the last full row or column of tiles and the edge because rooms are very rarely "square". Measure and mark each tile on the back with the cutting line using a pencil - don't use a felt tip pen as this might discolour the grout once it's applied.

Continue to measure, mark and cut all the tiles that are an approximate square or rectangular shape remembering that some of the shapes might be "skewed" if the walls, floor or ceiling are crooked. Don't forget to check that any pattern on the tile is the right way up before marking the cutting line.

Many people choose to use angle grinders for certain types of natural stone although it very much depends on how hard the tiles actually are (some limestone, for example, is quite soft but other types extremely hard). A better option is often a good electric tile cutter but even with a good quality machine the final edge as you come to the end of the cut can often be damaged. If this happens then try cutting part-way from one edge of the tile and then starting from the other end and finishing near the middle.

Once all these straightforward cuts are made and the tiles fixed in place, the room will definitely be looking more finished with only the final odd-shaped tile sections left to cut and install. These irregular shapes are often the most difficult to cut but they do not have to be perfectly accurate as the grout can be used to fill irregular gaps. Use a manual tool such as a tile saw or tile nibbler to cut the required shape - always working with the glazed or top surface of the tile uppermost and cutting downwards only. This will prevent any serious damage to the visible surface.

Where you need to cut a curved edge on the tile, start by marking a straight line and cutting off as much of the unwanted tile with a straight cut before using the tile saw and then nibbler to get a neat curved edge.

Remember that the type of tile that you are cutting will affect your choice of tools and your ability to create a professional finish Ceramic tiles are the easiest to cut with minimal damage and you can generally use manual tools; porcelain tiles are very hard and will require an electric cutter and so too will most natural stone tiles.

Naming Your Big and Small Puppies

I enjoy thinking of names for dogs so I have been working on a list of good names for the big and the small dog as well. I have been inspired by a number of sources from using synonyms for small and big, little, large, etc. As well as things or places of size comparison to name the small and big pups.

One choice I like is using the name of a larger mammal to name your large breed dog. Like Moose or Bear if you have a large hairy type breed dog. Mammoth was also a large furry mammal you could use to name your large dog, since they were huge and big like the elephant. Try Dino out for size, a big size dog that is. You can even go into crypto zoology to grab some names for your large dog, especially ones like Monster, or Sasquatch for the furry doggies. There are some places like I mentioned I use for large dogs as well. Got a big puppy and you think he will probably be hard to say "move off the bed" so to say when he gets bigger? Call him Mountain. A big chunky breed dog that you know will grow nice and large? How about Sumo, as like the Sumo Japanese Wresters, they are nice and hefty in size.

One of my favorite are names from Mythology like Hercules or Titan for the larger breeds. Goliath for those nice large breeds too is a suggestion I like for a big strong dog like the legendary Philistine Warrior it is taken from.

And lets not forget the names we can take from the obvious: Colossal, Giant, Jumbo, Massive, Mega, Max, Big, Gargantuan, or simply Large.

And those tiny little cute small doggies? Although not too flattering, think small, Flea as a name. Mouse and Cub are cute little referenced names for small dogs.

Another cute idea comes from food names like Muffin, Peanut, Cupcake, making good choices for the small dog names.

There are also such mythical names that you can choose from like Tinkerbell, Sprite, Pixie, I would say those for the female small dogs though, what do you think? Remember the Kewpie doll? How about naming your little cute female puppy after that, Kewpie?

More little items that we can use to help name our small dogs like Pebbles, Nuggets or Thimble even. And if you have those tiny toy breeds you can use a bunch of them that actually mean "small". Try these on for choices: Dainty (of course I'd say this would be a female name), Itty, Itsy, Bitty, Micro, Little, Dinky (a cute little name for a boy), Peewee, Tiny, or Wee.

Another way to have fun with your dogs name is to actually call it what would be opposite of the breed, large or small. Like, if you have a Chihuahua, name him or her Moose or if you have a Great Dane, name it Tiny and so on...

When you think about water damage, pictures of flooded in areas, marked walls, distorted papers and things, shriveled carpets, and ceilings in walls and buildings come to mind. However, many people postpone water damage restoration carries because of it a bigger risk. Many damage restoration professionals give advice, water should be detached as soon as possible to prevent your things and buildings and other items from getting any type of damaged. Precisely, when this water has not removed on time, create problem not only our things but also to our health.

Standing water in flooded basements area can be a good source of producing mosquitoes and bacteria. These mosquitoes are a cause of malaria, encephalitis, dengue fever and much type of skin diseases. Water damage restoration prevents all this from generating their eggs, and thus, stops their number from rising. The danger bacteria E. coli found in standing water especially if human feces are near. A simple contact with dirty water can cause a diarrhea, headaches and abdominal pain. Crypto just like coli induces the symptoms as pain in stomach and infection in body. Giardia is another type of parasite that present in water with material. It is also very dangerous for human health. In this type of health issue, the person might experience weight loss.

Late water damage solution can also cause Shigellosis, very dangerous bacteria. Rat urine is the leading cause of Leptospirosis, an infection brought about by the bacteria Leptospira and its symptoms are general body depression, pain; and liver problem and renal failure Bacteria tetanus is another water-related infection that directly affects family members via open injury. Hepatitis A is most common disease connected with staying water infection. Its symptoms are yellowing of the person's skin and eyes as well as tiredness with fever. Melioidosis disease exhibit skin sores, agitation, nuisance and puzzlement.
